Xi’an Jiaotong –Liverpool University (XJTLU) – Jiangsu, China Scholarship 2020

  1. Entry Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Applicants
    scholarship of up to RMB 44,000 (or up to 50% of the tuition fee) per year for international students, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan undergraduate students.
    Terms: Renewable annually
    Closing date: 15 June 2020.
  2. Master Entry Scholarship
    Scholarship value of up to 50% of the total programme tuition fee for all full-time study only.
    Closing date: Third round – Mid May 2020
    Fourth round – Early July 2020

Early Bird Discount : Get RMB 8.000 discount for all international students, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan students who submit their application by 01 May 2020.

To apply and further information, please contact our offices.

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